Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses thses skills to accomplish his goals."

-Larry Bird

"As far as playing. I didn't care who guarded me - red, yellow, black. I just didn't want a white guy guarding me, because it's disrespect to my game"

-Larry Bird

"But it is a black man's game, and it will be forever."

-Larry Bird

"I don't know if I practiced more than anybody, but I sure practiced enough. I still wonder if somebody - somewhere - was practicing more than me."

-Larry Bird

"I mean, the greatest athletes in the world are African-American."

-Larry Bird

"I dont really like talking about money. All i can say is that the Good lord must have wanted me to have it."

-Larry Bird

"I've been around a while. I kinda know these things."

-Larry Bird

"It doesnt matter who scores the points, it's who can get the ball to the scorer."

-Larry Bird

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